Rape Disruption
It was late fall and chilly in downtown Fort Worth on the evening shift. I worked for the Fort Worth Police Department in 1984. The dispatcher came on the radio and asked if anyone was close to 200 E. Belknap. I told her I was close, and she assigned me a rape call at the address. The rape was in progress. I hit the accelerator as I turned on the red and blue lights and siren. Hopefully, if the rape is still in progress, the bad guy will hear the siren and run. I pulled up to the apartment and got out of the car. I approached the apartment and heard a woman screaming. As I got close the kitchen window was broken out. The screaming was getting worse. I contacted my back up and he was still several minutes off. I decided it was time to go in. She couldn’t wait.
I informed the dispatcher and was ready to kick in the door when I reached down and turned the doorknob. The door opened and right there in front of me was a man on top of a woman. When you walked in the front door the living room and kitchen were to the right. Straight ahead was a staircase that led up to the bedrooms. The man and woman were at the bottom of the staircase and the guy had his pants down around his ankles. His bare butt in the air. He had torn her dress off and was working on the panties. I became enraged and grabbed him by his hair. When I pulled him off the woman, he was upset I’d stopped him. The woman was still screaming, and he attempted to crawl up the stairs while pulling his pants up and kicking at me. I grabbed his ankle and drug him back down the stairs twisting and turning his body as he hit his face on every step. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I picked him up by the scruff of his neck and seat of his pants slinging him out the front door. We’re now in the front yard and he wants to fight. We go back and forth for only a second when I decide this is over. I pull my metal flashlight and slam it up against the side of his head. Blood splatters everywhere and he drops to his knees for a second which is long enough for me to handcuff him. I have him on the ground handcuffed, he’s still resisting but he’s done. I’m on one knee getting ready to pull him up from the grass when I notice a car with red and blue lights and siren. The car hits the curb and goes airborne. It bounces on the lawn and is coming right at me. I figure this is it, but at least this rapist bastard is going with me. The car slammed on its brakes and began sliding in the dewy grass. I braced for impact as the car slid right up to us. It probably wasn’t two feet from me. My back up hops out with a smile, “I see you have everything under control.”
“Yeah, it was fine until I thought I was going to die underneath your car.”
He laughed, “I know what I'm doing down to the very inch.”
I rolled my eyes and asked him to check on the woman inside. The woman was in her late twenties and gorgeous. As my back up walked to the door the woman came running out of the house, jumped on him and hugged him. She was profusely thanking him for saving her. He looked at me with a sly smile and told her, “It’s okay mam, that’s what we do.” He hugged her back longer than what I deemed appropriate. Nobody ever said anything to me about that call. We just went on with business. As for my back up, we were good friends back then and still are to this day. Any chance I get I bring up that call. How he stole my thunder………